
Ring SalesRing lightning quick sales, process credit cards, gift cards, touch screen interface, signature capture pads, customer management, loyalty program, expenses, voids and much more.

Superior Technical Support
Lightning Emergency Mode
Lightning Emergency Mode
Lightning Emergency Mode is an add-on product to our Lightning Online Point of Sale® primary application. This add-on is considered a must have for all users. Since Lightning Online Point of Sale® is contingent on your store's internet connection, what happens if your store, or our multiple servers, experience a connectivity issue? We have that covered! With Emergency Mode your business can continue to check-out customers while connectivity issues are being resolved.*

Currently, we are developing technology to offer cryptocurrencies as a tender option. Although today, cryptocurrencies are viewed largely as a speculative investment, we have seen evidence of it eventually becoming a legitimate option for the payment of goods and services in everyday life. By the late fourth quarter 2024,Lightning E-Commerce will be able to accept Cryptocurrency payments from their customers In-Store and Online.
Our Partners
Our Partners
Lightning has forged strong partnerships with major companies which enhance our family of products. From Intuit QuickBooks Online, Uber Eats, Mini-Bar Delivery, DoorDash, Delivery.com, Bottlenose, Microsoft Excel, Constant Contact, EPSG, PAX, Heartland and more.